Source code for flask_image_search

import logging
import math
import os
import threading
from types import SimpleNamespace
from flask_image_search.__about__ import __author__, __author_email__, __version__, __license__

import numpy as np
import zarr
from PIL import Image
from sqlalchemy import case
from sqlalchemy import column as sa_column
from sqlalchemy.orm import lazyload
from sqlalchemy import event, literal_column

# get the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s flask image search: %(message)s"))

os.environ["TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL"] = "2"  # set tensorflow debug level to only show errors

__all__ = (

[docs]class ImageSearch(object): """This is a class used to add Image searching functionality to your flask app, that uses Flask-SQLAlchemy. There are two ways to use Flask-Image-Search. .. code-block:: python app = Flask(__name__) db = SQLAlchemy(app) image_search = ImageSearch(app, db) or .. code-block:: python db = SQLAlchemy() image_search = ImageSearch() def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) db.init_app(app) image_search.init_app(app, db) return app """ __slots__ = ['root', 'storage', 'db', 'keras_model', 'models', 'app'] def __init__(self, app=None, **kwargs): = app if app is not None: self.init_app(app, **kwargs)
[docs] def init_app(self, app, tensorflow=True): """Initialize Flask-Image-Search. This function is called by __init__ if an app is passed. :param app: The Flask app for this project. :type app: flask.Flask :param tensorflow: Should tensorflow be used, tensorflow can be dissabled to make working on other parts of your app easier defaults to True :type tensorflow: bool :raises Exception: Exception may be raised if Flask-SQLAlchemy is not initialized. """ app.config.setdefault("IMAGE_SEARCH_PATH", "image_search") # get the path_prefix and the app root self.root = app.root_path path = os.path.join(self.root, app.config["IMAGE_SEARCH_PATH"]) =, mode='a') # get db from sqlalchemy sqlalchemy = app.extensions.get("sqlalchemy") if sqlalchemy is None: raise Exception("You need to initialize Flask-SQLAlchemy before Flask-Image-Search.") self.db = sqlalchemy.db if tensorflow: self.keras_model = self.create_keras_model() else: self.keras_model = None self.models = {}
[docs] @staticmethod def create_keras_model(): """This functions exists so that `tensorflow=False` works with a custom model.""" import keras base_model = keras.applications.vgg16.VGG16(weights="imagenet") return keras.Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=base_model.get_layer("fc1").output)
[docs] @staticmethod def preprocess_image_array(image_array): from keras.applications.vgg16 import preprocess_input return preprocess_input(image_array)
[docs] def register(self, id="id", path="path", ignore="ignore"): """This decorator is used to register Flask-SQLAlchemy Model with the image search. After a model is registered it can then indexed and searched. :param id: This is the name of the primary_key column. Defaults to "id". :type id: str :param path: This is the name of the column containing the image path. Defaults to "path". :type path: str :param ignore: This is the name of the column used to decide if an image should be ignored. defaults to "ignore" if no column is found there is no ignore column. :type ignore: str """ def inner(model): from keras import backend size = backend.int_shape(self.keras_model.outputs[0])[1] # backend.int_shape(self.keras_model.outputs[0])[1:3] if model.__tablename__ + '_features' not in model.__tablename__ + '_features', shape=(5000, size), chunks=(5000, size), dtype=np.float32 ) # Store the information about this model in the models dict. self.models[model.__tablename__] = SimpleNamespace([model.__tablename__ + '_features'], id=id, path=path, ignore=ignore if ignore and hasattr(model, ignore) else False, ) data = self.models[model.__tablename__] # add events so that the changes on the database are reflected in indexed images. @event.listens_for(model, "after_delete") def image_search_model_deleted(mapper, connection, target): """A model was deleted.""" self.delete_index(target) @event.listens_for(model, "after_insert") def image_search_model_insert(mapper, connection, target): """A new model was inserted.""" self.index(target) @event.listens_for(model, "after_update") def image_search_model_updated(mapper, connection, target): """An existing model was updated.""" self.index(target, True) # log how many images were loaded f"Loaded {int(np.sum(np.any(data.features[:] != 0, axis=1)))} image features for '{model.__tablename__}'") return model return inner
[docs] def features(self, model): """Returns features of a model. :param model: The model that you want to get the features :type model: flask_sqlalchemy.Model or str :return: The group containing the datasets for each image :rtype: zarr.hierarchy.Group """ if type(model) is not str: model = model.__tablename__ return + '_features')
[docs] def feature_extract(self, image): """This is a helper function that takes an image processes it and returns the features. :param image: The image to get the features from. :type image: PIL.Image.Image """ from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array from keras import backend if self.keras_model: image_size = backend.int_shape(self.keras_model.inputs[0])[1:3] image = image.resize(image_size).convert("RGB") # resize the image and convert to RGB image_array = img_to_array(image) # turn image into np array image_array = np.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0) # expand the shape of array input_array = self.preprocess_image_array(image_array) feature = self.keras_model.predict(input_array)[0] # process return feature / np.linalg.norm(feature) # normalize the features else: return np.random.rand(4096)
[docs] def index(self, entry, replace=False): """Indexes an entry of a registered Model. :param entry: The Model instance to be indexed. :type entry: flask_sqlalchemy.Model :param replace: Set to True to replace an existing index of this image, defaults to False :type replace: bool """ data = self.models[entry.__tablename__] # get the data for this entry if data.ignore and getattr(entry, data.ignore): # if this model is ignored return false return False image_path = getattr(entry, data.path) # get the image path image_id = getattr(entry, if image_id >= data.features.shape[0] - 1: data.features.resize((int(math.ceil(image_id / 1000) * 1000), data.features.shape[1])) if not replace and (data.features[image_id] != 0).any(): # if the image isn't allowed to be reindexed and it already is indexed skip it return True # open image image =, image_path)) features = self.feature_extract(image) # save the features in a dataset named with the image_id data.features[image_id] = features return True
[docs] def index_model(self, model, replace=False, threaded=True): """Index all the images in a model. :param model: The model containing the images to be indexed. :type model: flask_sqlalchemy.Model :param replace: Set to True to replace an existing index of this image, defaults to False :type replace: bool :param threaded: Set this to true to make index_model non blocking. :type threaded: bool """ def thread_content(): entries = self.db.session.query(model).options(lazyload('*')).all() total = 0 indexed = 0 for entry in entries: # index each entry total += 1 if self.index(entry, replace): indexed += 1"Indexed {indexed} of {total} images for the model {model.__tablename__}") if threaded: threading.Thread(target=thread_content).start() else: thread_content()
[docs] def delete_index(self, entry): """Delete an index :param entry: The entry in the database to be removed from the index. :type entry: flask_sqlalchemy.Model """ data = self.models[entry.__tablename__] # get the data related to this entry # get the image id image_id = getattr(entry, try: data.features[image_id] = np.zeros(data.features[image_id].shape) except KeyError: raise KeyError("That Image is not indexed.")
[docs] def search(self, model, image, sorted=True, limit=None): """This searches the indexed data with an image and returns a tuple of id strings. :param model: This is the model to be search. Either a SQLAlchemy model can be passed or a string of the tablename. :type model: str or flask_sqlalchemy.Model :param image: The search image :type image: PIL.Image.Image or str :param sorted: Should the results be sorted :type sorted: bool :param limit: Limit the number of results :type limit: None or int :return: This returns a tuple of tuples containing the id and the distance from the search image. :rtype: tuple[tuple[str, int]] """ if type(image) is str: # if the image is a string open it as a PIL image image =, image)) if type(model) is not str: model = model.__tablename__ search_features = self.feature_extract(image) # extract the features form the search image. # genorate zero for the feature size zeros = np.zeros((1, search_features.shape[0])) # get the distance between all the indexed images and the search image. # concatonate between the zeros and the features so that the first value is an un-indexed reference distances = np.linalg.norm(np.concatenate([zeros, self.models[model].features]) - search_features, axis=1) if sorted: distances_id_sorted = np.argsort(distances) else: distances_id_sorted = range(len(distances)) # return a list of the ids and distances from the search image # reduce the id by one to account for the zeros results = tuple((id - 1, distances[id]) for id in distances_id_sorted if distances[id] != distances[0]) if limit is not None: results = results[:limit] return results
[docs] def case(self, image, model, column=None, limit=None): """Creates a case statement that contains the distances to the query image matching up to ids. :param image: The query image :type image: PIL.Image.Image or str :param model: The model containing the indexed images. :type model: flask_sqlalchemy.Model :param column: The column that the case statement relates to (Primary key column of the indexed Model) :type column: str or sqlalchemy.schema.Column """ if column is None: column = getattr(model, self.models[model.__tablename__].id) if type(column) is str: column = sa_column(column) results =, image, sorted=limit is not None, limit=limit) # get the ids and distances whens = [] # construct the whens for the case statement for id, distance in results: if limit and len(whens) >= limit: break whens.append(( # literal columns insted of bind parameters (column == literal_column(str(id))), literal_column(str(distance)) )) if whens: return case(whens, else_=literal_column('9999')) else: return None