

To use Flask Image Search in a project:

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlachemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_image_search import ImageSearch

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)  # SQLAlchemy must be initialized first
image_search = ImageSearch(app)

Alternatively you if you’re using a factory:

db = SQLAlchemy()
image_search = ImageSearch()

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app


flask_image_search loads keras/tensorflow when it is initialized, this can become a real pain when debugging your flask app, to stop tensorflow from loading and annoying you:

image_search = ImageSearch(app, tensorflow=False)

when tensorflow is disabled the image search will return random results.






This is a prefix that is added to the model __tablename__ to get the file path for the index file.


Registering Models

On any flask_sqlalchemy.Model that you want to index you will need to register. Registering a Model can be done using the ImageSearch.register() decorator.

To register a Model:

class Image(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    path = db.Column(db.Text)

Ignoring columns

if you want to ignore an image it can be done with an ignore column:

class Image(db.Model):
    ignore = db.Column(db.Boolean)


if you dont want to or cant use the default column names you can specify your own in ImageSearch.register():

@image_search.register(id='uid', path='url', ignore='exclude')
class Image(db.Model):
    uid = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    url = db.Column(db.Text)
    exclude = db.Column(db.Boolean)


The attributes used by the register function do not need to be a Column, this means you can use proprties to create the value, for example modifying the url stored in the database to make it absolute:

class Image(db.Model):
    url = db.Column(db.Text)

    def path(self):
        return os.path.join("/absolute_path/", self.url)


Once a Model has been registered the images must be indexed. Images that are not indexed will not be searched.

To index one image of a registered Model:

image = Image.query.first()  # get an image however you like


To index all images of a registered Model:



index_model is run insude a thread so that it does not stop your flask app. threaded can be set to False to stop it runing in a new thread.

Once Images are indexed changes on the database will be reflected on the index. The indexes will be updated when an image is dropped, updated or a new image is added.

It is possible to manually delete an image from the index:

image = Image.query.first()


Making a query

Flask-Image-Search has a case() method that returns a Case that matches the distance from the image to the correct id, this can be used to order a query.

Basic query

Here is an example of a simple query:

case_statement ="./image_path/image.png", Image)
images = Image.query.order_by(case_statement).all()

Join query

Because the distance is given as a case statement you can construct more advanced queries with joins to your image Model:

class Animals(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.Text)

    images = db.relationship("Image")

class Image(db.Model):
    animal_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""))

case_statement ="./image_path/image.png", Image)
animals = Animals.query.join(Animals.images).options(db.contains_eager(Animals.images) \

Query with distance

Heres how to get the distance as a mapped attribute on your Model:

class Image(db.Model):

    distance = db.query_expression()

case_statement ="./image_path/image.png", Image).label("distance")
images = Image.query.options(db.with_expression(Image.distance, case_statement)) \


Changing Keras Model

By default flask_image_search uses the VGG16 for it’s feature extraction. You can change the keras model used for feature extraction by overriding some of the ImageSearch class methods. Here is an example using InceptionV3:

from flask_image_search import ImageSearch
from keras.applications.inception_v3 import InceptionV3, preprocess_input
from keras.models import Model as KerasModel

class MyImageSearch(ImageSearch):
    def create_keras_model():
        base_model = InceptionV3(weights="imagenet")
        return KerasModel(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=base_model.get_layer("avg_pool").output)

    def preprocess_image_array(image_array):
        return preprocess_input(image_array)